
Skyrim forgotten city best ending
Skyrim forgotten city best ending

skyrim forgotten city best ending

While The Forgotten City is a bit rough around the edges, it's a fantastic proof of concept, and its small team. You'll also start to mutter, "The many shall suffer for the sins of the one!" to yourself every time you drop a slice of buttery toast on the floor in real-life.

skyrim forgotten city best ending

And without spoiling anything, there are moments where the writing is so good it's practically leaping out of your screen, standing up there with some of the best moments in any RPG."Īlice Bell, RockPaperShotgun: "At the end of your six to eight hours, you'll have had a fun, satisfying and historically informative time. Gabriel Moss, IGN: " The Forgotten City is an incredibly unique and self-aware adventure game that does a fabulous job of exploring complex ideas stemming from a basic question: "what is objectively good?" If you're expecting a full-blown action RPG that spans dozens of hours, this 10-hour jaunt and its fairly simple combat may only whet your appetite, but it still sports an impressive ensemble cast of likable but flawed characters who each have something interesting to say.

Skyrim forgotten city best ending